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Writer's pictureMalone Garth

How Neurofeedback Can Ease PTSD

How PTSP and Neurofeedback impact the brain

At the Colorado Center for Neurofeedback and Peak Performance, we believe that everybody deserves to feel safe and calm in their surroundings and thoughts. We also know one of the best ways to do that is through neurofeedback.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety-based condition caused by a traumatic event. The condition involves re-living aspects of what happened, constantly feeling on edge, wanting to avoid triggering feelings and memories and feeling overwhelmed by difficult emotions such as guilt, anger, or shame. Neurofeedback has been proven to ease symptoms, desensitize intense and disturbing emotions, “teach” the brain how to relax, and strengthen brain regions that promote calm and relaxation.

Symptoms of PTSD and trauma include:

  • Agitation

  • Irritability

  • Flashbacks

  • Nightmares

  • Severe anxiety

  • Hostility

  • Loneliness

  • Emotional detachment

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Obsessive thoughts

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities

  • and more.

Trauma affects more than just our thoughts.

Talking and reasoning may not be able to reverse trauma due to these changes in our brain and body. Healing from trauma requires healing the brain and body’s biology, not just our thoughts. Neurofeedback is an evidence-based therapy that can address these deeper, underlying biological changes that result from trauma and PTSD.

What Neurofeedback can do

Neurofeedback helps balance brainwaves and stops the brain’s reliance on the “fight or flight” mode. Due to triggering events in the brain and body, treatment that can heal the brain and body’s biology is necessary. Neurofeedback therapy calms the body and speaks to the deeper parts of the brain. The professionals at the Colorado Center for Neurofeedback and Peak Performance can help shift patients from a panic state to a calmer one, letting them experience a sense of safety and react more appropriately to daily events. Neurofeedback supplies information to the brain that helps regulate the body’s autonomic stress response. So during times when you feel scared and threatened or experience physical, emotional, or psychological pain, the brain can better regulate these emotions. In many studies, the effectiveness of neurofeedback training has been greater than any medication used for PTSD.

Neurofeedback helps the brain regulate emotions, teaches the brain to relax, and improves sleeping patterns. All of which are imperative to healing a brain wounded with trauma. Neurofeedback can also help people with PTSD:

  • Improve their mood

  • Overcome guilt and shame

  • Rebuild their self-esteem

  • Combat nightmare and flashbacks

  • Learn to desensitize intense, disturbing emotions

  • Strengthen brain regions that promote cognitive health

Here at the Colorado Center for Neurofeedback and Peak Performance, we provide compassionate clinical support combined with brain science to help people overcome their traumas. Living with PTSD can be overwhelming, frustrating, and tiresome, and we know neurofeedback can help change the way your brain functions. We’re here to help you take charge of your mental health.


Contact us today for a free consultation.

We are available in the Denver Metro Center and Evergreen Colorado. Feel free to reach out at (303) 670-3931 for the Evergreen office and (720) 531-0265 for the Wheat Ridge location.

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