Dyslexia/Learning Problems
Learning disabilities are caused by a difference in brain structure that is present at birth and is often hereditary.
Learning disabilities affect the way the brain processes information and can impact how a person learns to read, write, hear, speak, and calculate.
An individual with a learning disability will have challenges performing specific types of skills or completing certain tasks, despite the person typically having average or above average abilities.
Learning involves high speed communication between multiple areas of the brain; if this timing is off, learning can be impaired. Neurofeedback can target those specific areas of the brain to improve communication and timing, and therefore learning can occur more easily.
Neurofeedback increases positive and helpful connections in the brain offering support to the development of brain communication.

Make Learning Fun

The application of neurofeedback for learning disabilities is a promising intervention. Neurofeedback is used to train the area of the brain involved in performing specific skills such as math, reading or visual and auditory processing. Learning involves high-speed communication between multiple areas of the brain; if this timing is off, learning can be impaired. Neurofeedback can train different areas of the brain to communicate more effectively with each other. A QEEEG is collected first to evaluate where the deficiencies are occurring. “Coherence training” then helps areas if the brain to become more connected, and learning can occur more easily. Tutoring is often still necessary to help the student catch up on what was missed due to past problems. As the brain function improves, this material can be taken in at a much faster and easier pace.
My mom is a pediatrician, so I can't even begin to list all of the therapies I have had. I have been to many learning centers, attended private school, had specialized tutors and went to summer school. I was able to do well enough in college, but never dreamed of being where I am today. After starting neurofeedback, everything clicked. I immediately saw an improvement in my auditory processing and sensory integration problems disappeared. I began reading for enjoyment, and decided to enroll in, and have now completed by PhD. I feel the difference that neurofeedback made in my ability to process information, and the improvement in my reading speed were key factors to my success.
As a mom, you know when something is wrong. I kept going into the schools and talking with the teachers, trying to explain that my daughter "did something weird when she was reading". She was able to read "incredible journey" but couldn't read the word "rain". After a year of working with her on my own, the school finally agreed to test her. She was found to have a high IQ, but was at the bottom of her grade level. In fact, she really could only read the words she had memorized. Once we had the Dyslexia diagnosis, we worked with tutors, Orton Gillinham programs, and the Linda Mood Bell learning center. While she made some progress, it was not until she started neurofeedback that we saw a huge improvement. After 20 sessions she was able to recognize words that were spelled wrong, and the following year took all honors classes at the high school. She graduated Suma Cum Laude with a double major in Biology and Exercise Science. She is currently attending Medical School with plans of becoming an Orthopedic surgeon. This is one of the reasons that I opened the Colorado Center for Neurofeedback.